So, I went ahead and did it. I bought an old-school geek-board.USB cables and all. A mouse only a cat could love. Maybe. A mouse pad.
I got totally worn out on itty, bitty keys, broken USB dongles, dead batteries, mice that just stop working, and uncomfortable typing. I am damn well going to enjoy keyboarding when I am at home again. I refuse to be afraid any longer to write a piece longer than ten sentences. It’s too hard to think in keystrokes when you’re fighting the physicality of your keyboard and pointing device. Dah-dum.
So, now I have the physical comfort of being able to write longer pieces, when I’m at home, have free time, and, well, yeah, have free time. I usually wonder what the hell that is, exactly. But we all eat crap from clocks, in our way.
So, in the meantime, I forward links to other people’s stories and news, because they’re interesting to me or it’s on a subject I enjoy. Disco, for example.I’ve always loved disco dancing, and dance music in general. Google Blogger killed off my disco blog, so I moved it here, where they can’t take it away because of prejudice. I love the sheer physical joy of dancing, burning calories, getting physical in a way I enjoy, to music I’ve grown to love. Watching my lady love move to the boogie groove is pretty nice, too.
So, there you have it. A good keyboard, and once in awhile I will let my own voice be heard. Like now. And I have the perfect keyboard to remove that barrier. (*Even if voice-to-text was perfect, I’m a visual and literary kind of guy, not auditory. I’m a writer, not a talker. Grok that.)
So, poetry, martial arts, love and peace, new-age, Shamanism, space exploration, science, boogie reports, cool photography, architecture, engineering, history, tech, mechanics, and definitively environmentalism. You might
And, Baby, now I’ve got me an OLD-SCHOOL GEEKBOARD. I love that shit, man.
\\//_ LLP-PLL
Dan (AKA AquarianM…or is that the other way ’round?)
PS: Eat it, spammers. I disabled comments because 4,879 of you out of 5,320 suck the big spamoni. Go enjoy your karma.
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