Special Place?

So the Blogger Interactive theme of the week is "What’s your special place?"
I’ve been chewing on this all week, and I can’t come up with a top dawg.

I love being in downtown Chicago on Summer nights. It’s downright cool & pretty. ( http://chi-nights.blogspot.com )

I adore playing music, especially with friends, in my FIVE-ACRE, HEATED underground garage. ( http://66sax.blogspot.com )

I feel like I’m cruising with God when I’m skateboarding around our parking lot on my longboard, or even more when riding one of my classic Schwinns out on the Illinois Prairie Path. ( http://1975continental.blogspot.com )

I love having a fine cigar on Saturdays at the Humidor in Westmont. That"s my "slow time" where I educate myself or just read for fun. ( http://cherrystaff.blogspot.com )

My wife and I love movies, small concerts, plays, and great dinner in our local area. ( http://reviewsuse.blogspot.com )

If you look for the good things in it, LIFE is a special place. Are there rough patches? Sure. But in the end, if you make time for good things, one spot just isn’t enough.

Live, love, and have fun.

Dan Stafford
