Capturing your visual memories - with Kip Cothran of KC Photography. (
We learn about Kip - what his favorite types of photography are, how he got into photography, what he can do that phone cams can't touch, pointers and tips for being a better photography subject, and much more. This episode is one I really enjoyed producing, and had a lot of fun with. I'm sure our listeners will too! You'll also hear a podcasting tech challenge that happened in mid-recording, and how we faced it and lost not one second of the episode, and wasted not a moment of our guest's time.
Episode link:
This podcast in general will talk about tech, sci-fi, space news, UFO's, unique geek issues, and more. We'll also discuss differences between the West Coast (So-Cal) and the Great Lakes region of the Midwest. The Universe is vast. So will be our discussions.
Thank you for listening, and happy Vulcan fingers \\//_ to you, from the Agent of 42.
(Courtesy of Midwestern Geek In Cali Podcast -
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